Maple Parking

Love is in the Air(port)

We are just days away from Valentine’s Day and for many it’s going to be a day full of all things mushy, romantic and cute – and whether you’re with someone or not, whether you’re into it or not – love will definitely be in the air. Some people boycott it with singles nights, some plan exuberant nights or weekends away, some may just have a cosy night in with dinner, whilst others may be away from their other halves completely. We all have different stories and plans for this day, from proposing marriage to the love of your life to proposing going for a drink with your best mate!

Many people also take ‘love being in the air’ to the most literal sense and, just for this day of amor, will fly home to their person, fly to their family and a staggering amount will surprise their partners with a romantic getaway abroad. Now, as we all probably know, airports are probably the most unromantic of places. They’re busy and crowded so you have no privacy, the lighting is bright and brash and not flattering at all, and although most airports have restaurants and eateries, they’re not going to be geared up for a dreamy date!

However, if you do see yourself in an airport this Valentine’s day, we’ve got some great tips on how to make it as romantic as possible.

Surprising / picking up your loved one from the airport

How to plan a surprise Valentine’s holiday

Many hopeless romantics plan surprise getaways, here’s a few tips to make it go smoothly at the airport.

However you find yourself at an airport this Valentines, whether is surprising someone or being surprised yourself, we hope these tips have helped to make it as romantic as possible. We have meet and greet parking at nearly every airport throughout the UK. If you want to get a quote or book, simply go online to our website, or give us a call on 03 333 222 333.

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